Unlocking the Secrets to Tartar Removal for a Brighter Smile


A bright, healthy smile is often the first thing people notice. However, tartar buildup can detract from that sparkling white grin. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore ways by which you can use to remove tartar from your teeth. You need to know about heavy tartar removal, how to safely remove tartar with a dental pick, and even some methods to loosen tartar at home. Let’s get started on your journey to a fresher, brighter smile!

Section 1: Heavy Tartar Removal

Tartar – The Silent Dental Culprit

Tartar, also known as calculus, is a hardened form of plaque that accumulates on your teeth over time. It’s notorious for being stubborn and can only be removed effectively by a dental professional. If you have heavy tartar buildup, it’s essential to visit your dentist for a thorough cleaning. They will use specialized tools and techniques to remove the tartar, ensuring your teeth are tartar-free.

Preventing Heavy Tartar Buildup
tartar from teeth

While it’s not possible to remove heavy tartar at home, you can certainly take steps to prevent it from accumulating in the first place. Regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings can go a long way in maintaining a healthy, tartar-free smile.

Section 2: How to Remove Tartar with a Dental Pick

tartar from teeth
Dental Picks: A Precise Tool for Tartar Removal

For those dealing with minor tartar buildup, a dental pick can be a valuable tool. However, it’s crucial to use it with caution to avoid damaging your teeth or gums.

Step 1: Choose the Right Dental Pick

Ensure your dental pick is designed for tartar removal. You can find these at most pharmacies or online. They typically come with a scaler on one end and a dental pick on the other.

Step 2: Start Gently

Begin by carefully examining your teeth to locate areas with tartar buildup. Be gentle, as excessive force can harm your enamel and gums.

Step 3: Scrape Tartar Away

Using the scaler end of the dental pick, gently scrape the tartar off your teeth. Work in a downward motion, angling the scaler towards your gums. Avoid using a sawing motion, as this can be abrasive.

Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

Rinse your mouth frequently while cleaning. Continue this process, working on one section at a time, until you’ve removed the visible tartar.

Step 5: Finish with a Toothbrush

Once you’ve scraped away the tartar, brush your teeth thoroughly. Pay attention to the areas you’ve cleaned, using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Section 3: Loosening Tartar at Home

Home Remedies to Soften Tartar

Loosening tartar at home can make the cleaning process easier. While these methods may not entirely remove tartar, they can help soften it, making it more manageable for brushing and dental pick use.

  1. Baking Soda and Water:

Create a paste using baking soda and water. Gently brush this mixture onto your teeth and leave it for a few minutes. The mild abrasiveness of baking soda can help soften tartar.

  1. Oil Pulling:

Oil pulling with coconut or sesame oil can help reduce bacteria and plaque, which contribute to tartar buildup.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide:

Using a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution as a mouthwash can help control bacteria and loosen tartar. Remember to dilute the hydrogen peroxide with water.

  1. Chew Sugar-Free Gum:

help control bacteria and reduce tartar formation.

  1. Green Tea:

Drinking green tea is known for its oral health benefits. The antioxidants in green tea can help control bacteria and reduce tartar formation.


A bright and healthy smile is within reach. Whether you need professional intervention for heavy tartar removal, prefer to use a dental pick for minor tartar, or want to try some home remedies to soften tartar, taking action is the key. Remember to consult your dentist for advice tailored to your specific needs, and maintain a regular oral hygiene routine to prevent future tartar buildup. Your radiant smile awaits!

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